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AGIPine Privacy Policy

This Privacy Notice, concerning AGIPine ("Company," "we," "us," or "our"), is designed to elucidate the procedures and rationale underlying the collection, storage, use, and/or sharing ("processing") of your information in conjunction with our services ("Services"). This includes various activities, such as:

(A). Website Interaction: When you visit our website at or any affiliated website that redirects to this privacy notice.

(B). Engagement Channels: When you interact with us through different avenues, encompassing sales, marketing, events, as well as addressing any questions or concerns.

(C) Service Usage: Information collected when you utilize our products or services, including but not limited to, product preferences, usage patterns, and feedback provided.

(D) Communication Data: Data generated from your communication with us, such as emails, chat transcripts, and phone call records.

(E) Social Media Interactions: Information gathered from your interactions with our brand on social media platforms, including likes, comments, and shares.

(F) Surveys and Feedback: Data obtained through surveys, feedback forms, or other means of soliciting your opinions and preferences.

(G) Third-Party Sources: Information we receive from third-party sources, such as partners, affiliates, or publicly available data sources, to supplement our own data collection efforts.

(H) Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Data collected through the use of cookies, web beacons, and similar tracking technologies when you visit our website or interact with our online services.

(I) Location Information: Data about your geographic location collected through GPS, IP address, or other means, if you have enabled location services or provided consent for such collection.

(K) Other Information: Any other information collected that does not fit into the above categories but is relevant to our business operations and interactions with you.




Understanding the information contained in this privacy notice is vital for gaining insight into your privacy rights and making informed choices. If you do not align with our policies and practices, we kindly request that you refrain from utilizing our Services.




Your Privacy Rights and Choices: It is important to recognize that reading this privacy notice empowers you with an understanding of the rights and choices available to you concerning your personal information.




Opting Out: If, at any point, you find yourself at odds with our policies and practices, you have the choice to abstain from using our Services. Your decision to opt-out is respected, and we are committed to addressing any concerns you may have.



By utilizing our Services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this privacy notice. It is advisable to periodically review this notice for any updates or changes. We appreciate your trust in AGIPine and remain dedicated to safeguarding your privacy.




This summary serves as a concise guide to the key aspects outlined in our privacy notice, facilitating easy navigation through the detailed information available in the table of contents. When engaging with AGIPine and its Services, the processing of personal information is contingent upon your interactions, choices, and utilization of our products and features.

It is imperative to emphasize that we adhere to a strict policy of not processing sensitive personal information and refrain from obtaining any data from external third-party sources. In upholding our commitment to data privacy and security, we employ robust encryption measures to safeguard any information entrusted to us. Our internal protocols are designed to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to relevant data, further reinforcing our dedication to maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of all information within our purview. Additionally, we continuously update and enhance our cybersecurity measures to stay ahead of evolving threats and industry best practices, demonstrating our proactive approach to protecting the privacy of our users and clients.

Information processing serves various purposes, including the provision, enhancement, and administration of our Services, communication with users, implementation of security and fraud prevention measures, and compliance with legal obligations. Additionally, we may process your information for other purposes only with your explicit consent, ensuring that all processing activities are grounded in a valid legal rationale.

The sharing of personal information occurs judiciously, limited to specific situations and authorized third parties to ensure confidentiality and privacy are maintained. Additionally, stringent security measures are implemented to safeguard the shared personal information, employing advanced encryption protocols and regular security audits. This proactive approach aims to prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive data from potential breaches. Furthermore, individuals have the autonomy to control and manage their own privacy settings, allowing them to make informed decisions about the extent of information shared in various contexts. This commitment to transparency fosters a sense of trust among users, assuring them that their personal data is handled responsibly and ethically.

Our commitment to securing your information is evident through the implementation of organizational and technical protocols. Despite our comprehensive security measures, it is essential to acknowledge the inherent limitations in guaranteeing 100% security in electronic transmissions and information storage technology. Consequently, we cannot provide absolute assurance against potential breaches by hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorized third parties.

Understanding your rights concerning personal information is crucial, and these may vary depending on your geographical location, as stipulated by the relevant privacy laws. We remain dedicated to ensuring compliance with these laws and respecting your rights in accordance with applicable regulations.


















Personal Information Disclosure Statement

In concise terms, we gather personal information that you actively share with us. This information is crucial for providing personalized services, enhancing user experience, and ensuring the security of your account. Rest assured, we prioritize the confidentiality and responsible use of your data, adhering to stringent privacy policies and industry standards. Our commitment is to transparently communicate how your information is utilized, offering you control and choice over your privacy settings. Your trust is of utmost importance to us, and we continuously strive to maintain the highest standards of data protection.

Collection of Personal Information: Our collection of personal information is contingent upon your voluntary provision of details during the registration process for our services, when expressing interest in acquiring information about our products and services, participating in activities on our platform, or when contacting us for various reasons.

Information Supplied by You: The nature of the personal information collected is determined by the nature of your interactions with our services, the preferences you express, and the specific products and features you engage with. This may encompass, but is not limited to:

  • Names

  • Email addresses

  • Usernames




Password Security: All passwords are subjected to encryption and are not accessible or known in our database. This ensures the impossibility of a breach in accessing passwords used in conjunction with Google or email registration.

Payment Information: In the event of purchases, we may gather data essential for payment processing, such as your payment instrument number (e.g., credit card number) and the associated security code. All payment data is securely stored by Paypal and Stripe. For detailed information, please refer to their respective privacy notices at the following links: Paypal Privacy Notice and Stripe Privacy Policy.

Accuracy of Information: It is imperative that all personal information provided to us is true, complete, and accurate. Furthermore, any changes to such information must be promptly communicated to us for proper record maintenance.

Data Security and Confidentiality: We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your information. Rest assured that all passwords are encrypted, and stringent measures are in place to safeguard your personal data. Our commitment is to maintain the utmost privacy and protection for the information entrusted to us.

Third-Party Payment Processors: To enhance the security of your financial information, all payment data is securely handled by reputable third-party payment processors, namely Paypal and Stripe. For a comprehensive understanding of their privacy practices, please refer to the provided links.

Ongoing Compliance: We are committed to upholding privacy standards and complying with applicable regulations. Our practices are periodically reviewed and updated to align with evolving legal requirements and industry standards. Your trust in our commitment to safeguarding your personal information is paramount, and we remain dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of data protection.

Contact Information: For any queries or concerns regarding the collection and handling of your personal information, please feel free to contact us. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us, and we are here to address any inquiries and ensure your confidence in our data management practices.



In summary, our data processing activities are conducted to enhance, administer, and secure the provision of our Services, as well as to adhere to legal obligations. Additionally, we may process your information for supplementary purposes with your explicit consent.

The processing of your personal information serves various objectives, contingent upon your interaction with our Services, including:

(A). Facilitating Account Management: We process your information to enable seamless account creation, authentication, and overall account management, ensuring the smooth functioning of your account.

(B). Service Delivery: Processing is conducted to deliver and facilitate the requested services to users, ensuring a prompt and efficient provision of the desired service.

(C). User Support: In response to user inquiries, we process information to provide support and resolve any potential issues related to the requested service.

(D). Order Fulfillment: For orders, payments, returns, and exchanges made through our Services, we process information to fulfill and manage these transactions effectively.

(E). User-to-User Communications: Processing is undertaken to enable communication between users through our various offerings.

(F). Feedback Requests: Information processing is necessary to solicit feedback and communicate with users about their experience with our Services.

(G). Marketing and Promotional Communications: Personal information may be processed for marketing purposes, subject to your preferences. You can opt out of marketing emails at any time (refer to "WHAT ARE YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS?" below for more details).

(H). Targeted Advertising: We process information to create and display personalized content and advertising, tailored to your interests and location.

(I). Security Measures: Information processing is essential for ensuring the safety and security of our Services, including fraud monitoring and prevention.

(J). Usage Trends Identification: We analyze information on how our Services are utilized to gain insights into usage trends, facilitating ongoing improvements.

(K). Assessment of Marketing Campaigns: Information processing aids in evaluating the effectiveness of our marketing and promotional campaigns, ensuring relevance to our users.

(L). Protection of Vital Interests: In certain situations, we process information to save or protect an individual's vital interests, thereby preventing harm.

(M). Legal Compliance: We process your information to comply with legal obligations, ensuring that our Services adhere to relevant laws and regulations.

(N). Enhanced User Experience: Information processing contributes to the creation of a personalized and seamless user experience, tailoring our services to meet individual preferences and needs.

(O). Data Analytics: We engage in data analytics to gain valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, helping us refine and optimize our Services for an improved overall user experience.

(P). Improving Service Functionality: Information processing is essential for understanding how users interact with our Services, allowing us to identify and address any areas that may benefit from enhanced functionality.

(Q). Research and Development: We may process data for research and development purposes, fostering innovation and the continuous improvement of our Services.

(R). Third-Party Collaborations: Information processing may occur in collaborations with third-party entities, ensuring the seamless integration of external services or features within our platform.

(S). Consent-Based Processing: Where applicable, we process information based on user consent for specific purposes, ensuring transparency and alignment with user preferences.

(T). Data Minimization: We adhere to the principle of data minimization, processing only the information necessary for the intended purposes and discarding any extraneous data.

(U). Data Accuracy: Processing is conducted to maintain the accuracy of user information, ensuring that our records are up-to-date and reflective of the most current details.

(V). Data Portability: We facilitate the portability of user data, allowing individuals to transfer their information seamlessly between different platforms or services.

(W). Sensitive Data Protection: For any sensitive information collected, such as financial or health-related data, we implement robust security measures to safeguard and protect the confidentiality of such data.

(X). Notification of Changes: In the event of changes to our data processing practices, we commit to transparently communicating such changes to users through appropriate channels.

(Y). Data Retention: We establish clear policies for data retention, ensuring that information is retained only for the necessary duration and in accordance with legal requirements.

For detailed information on your privacy rights and options, including the ability to opt out of marketing communications, please refer to the section titled "WHAT ARE YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS?" below.




Introduction: In brief, our approach to processing personal information is guided by a commitment to transparency, legality, and the protection of individual rights. We undertake this responsibility only when it is deemed necessary, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Legal Basis: Our actions are rooted in a valid legal basis, meaning we process your personal information under specific circumstances permitted by the law. This includes instances where your consent is obtained, compliance with legal obligations is required, services need to be provided to fulfill contractual agreements, protection of your rights is essential, or when pursuing our legitimate business interests.

Consent: One of the primary foundations for processing your personal information is through your explicit consent. Before collecting or utilizing your data, we seek your permission, ensuring that you are informed and have given express approval for the intended purpose.

Contractual Obligations: In the course of providing services, we may process your personal information to initiate or fulfill contractual obligations. This ensures a seamless and efficient experience for you, as well as maintaining the integrity of our commitments.

Rights Protection: Our commitment extends to protecting your rights as an individual. Processing personal information may be necessary to safeguard your interests, ensuring that your rights are upheld and respected throughout our interactions.

Legitimate Business Interests: In certain situations, we may process your information based on our legitimate business interests. This includes activities that are necessary for the proper functioning of our organization, provided that such interests do not override your fundamental rights and freedoms.

Conclusion: In essence, our dedication to handling personal information is grounded in legality, ethical considerations, and a respect for your rights. This multifaceted approach ensures a comprehensive and responsible data processing framework aligned with both regulatory requirements and our commitment to maintaining your trust.

If you operate within the European Union or the United Kingdom, then the following section is relevant to your circumstances.

Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK GDPR mandates transparency regarding the legal grounds upon which we process your personal data. In accordance with these regulations, we adhere to the following legal bases for processing your personal information:

(A). Consent: We may process your information with your explicit consent, wherein you have granted permission for specific purposes. You retain the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

(B). Performance of a Contract: Processing of your personal data may occur when necessary to fulfill contractual obligations, such as delivering our services or upon your request prior to entering into a contractual agreement.

(C). Legitimate Interests: Processing of your information may be carried out when aligned with our legitimate business interests, provided such interests do not override your rights and freedoms. For instance, this may include:

(D). Providing users with information about exclusive offers and discounts.

(E). Customizing advertising content to enhance relevance and personalization.

(F). Analyzing usage patterns to enhance service quality and user engagement.

(G). Supporting marketing endeavors.

(H). Detecting and preventing fraudulent activities.

(I). Improving user experience by understanding product and service usage.

(J). Legal Obligations: We may process your data when necessary to comply with legal obligations, such as cooperating with law enforcement agencies, safeguarding legal rights, or presenting information as evidence in litigation proceedings.

(K). Vital Interests: Processing of your information may be undertaken to protect your vital interests or those of a third party, particularly in situations posing potential threats to safety.




We are committed to ensuring that your personal data is processed lawfully, ethically, and transparently, in alignment with relevant regulations and with due consideration for your rights and interests.

Should you have any queries or require further clarification regarding our data processing practices, please do not hesitate to contact us.



If your current location is within Canada, the following section is pertinent to your circumstances


We process your information under specific circumstances, which include your explicit permission (express consent) for a designated purpose or situations where consent can be reasonably inferred (implied consent). You retain the right to withdraw your consent at any given time.

However, there are exceptional cases where we may legally process your information without your explicit consent, as permitted by applicable law. These instances include:

(A). When collection is clearly in the best interests of an individual and obtaining consent is not feasible within a reasonable timeframe.

(B). For the purposes of investigations, fraud detection, and prevention.

(C). In the context of business transactions, subject to certain conditions being met.

(D). If the information is contained within a witness statement and is essential for assessing, processing, or settling an insurance claim.

(E). For the identification of injured, ill, or deceased individuals, and for communication with their next of kin.

(F). When there are reasonable grounds to believe an individual has been, is, or may become a victim of financial abuse.

(G). When it is not practical to obtain consent, and collection and use with consent would compromise the availability or accuracy of the information, particularly in cases related to investigating breaches of agreements or contraventions of Canadian laws or provincial regulations.

(H). When disclosure is mandated to comply with a subpoena, warrant, court order, or court rules pertaining to the production of records.

(I). If the information was generated by an individual during the course of their employment, business, or profession, and collection aligns with the original purposes for which the information was produced.

(J). Solely for journalistic, artistic, or literary purposes.

(K). If the information is publicly available and specified by regulations.




These measures are implemented in accordance with legal requirements and our commitment to responsible data handling practices.



In summary, we may disclose information as outlined in this section and/or to the following third parties under

specific circumstances:

(A). Business Transfers: Your personal information may be shared or transferred during negotiations or in connection with mergers, asset sales, financing, or the acquisition of our business by another entity.

(B). Affiliates: We may share your information with our affiliates, including our parent company, subsidiaries, joint venture partners, or other entities under common control. It's important to note that all affiliated parties are bound to adhere to this privacy notice, ensuring the continued protection of your data.

(C). Business Partners: Your information may be shared with our business partners for the purpose of providing you with certain products, services, or promotional offers. This sharing enables us to enhance your experience by offering relevant offerings in collaboration with trusted partners.




Rest assured that these disclosures are made with due consideration for the protection of your privacy and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your personal information in all interactions with third parties, maintaining strict protocols to safeguard your data integrity. Should you have any concerns or questions regarding the sharing of your information, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are committed to transparency and ensuring that you feel confident in how your data is handled and protected.



In summary, we wish to clarify that we cannot assume responsibility for the security of any information shared with third parties linked to or featured in advertisements on our Services, but not affiliated with us.

Our Services may include links to third-party websites, online services, or mobile applications, as well as advertisements from non-affiliated third parties that may lead to other websites, services, or applications.

Consequently, we cannot guarantee the reliability of such third parties, and we disclaim any liability for any losses or damages resulting from the use of their websites, services, or applications.

Please note that the presence of a link to a third-party website, service, or application does not constitute an endorsement by us.

We are unable to assure the safety and confidentiality of data shared with third parties. Any information collected by these parties falls outside the scope of this privacy notice.

We are also not accountable for the content or privacy and security practices of any third parties, including websites, services, or applications linked to or from our Services.

We recommend reviewing the policies of such third parties and reaching out to them directly for any inquiries.



Summary: Our website employs cookies and similar tracking technologies to gather and retain your data. These technologies, including web beacons and pixels, may be used to access or store information. Detailed explanations regarding our use of such technologies and instructions on how to reject certain cookies are outlined in our Cookie Notice.

Data Collection: Cookies and tracking technologies are utilized to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalized services. Through these technologies, we collect data such as your IP address, browsing history, and device information. This information helps us analyze website traffic, understand user preferences, and tailor content to your interests.

Storage and Security: Your information collected through cookies and tracking technologies is securely stored and maintained in accordance with industry standards. We prioritize the protection of your data and implement robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse.

Opting Out: We respect your privacy preferences and provide options for managing cookie preferences. Our Cookie Notice offers detailed guidance on how to adjust cookie settings or opt out of certain tracking technologies. You have the freedom to control which cookies are stored on your device and can choose to disable them if desired.

Updates and Compliance: We regularly review and update our cookie practices to align with evolving regulations and industry standards. Our commitment to compliance ensures that your data is handled responsibly and in accordance with applicable laws governing data protection and privacy.

Conclusion: In summary, our use of cookies and tracking technologies is aimed at enhancing your online experience while prioritizing your privacy rights. We are dedicated to transparency, security, and compliance in all aspects of data collection and usage. For further information or assistance regarding our cookie practices, please refer to our Cookie Notice or contact our designated privacy team.





In summary: We retain your information for the duration necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy notice, unless mandated by law otherwise.

Our retention of your personal data aligns with the outlined purposes in this privacy notice. Any extension beyond this timeframe is subject to legal requirements, such as those pertaining to taxation, accounting, or other legal obligations. None of the purposes outlined in this notice necessitate retaining your personal information beyond the duration of your account with us.

Upon the cessation of any legitimate business need to process your personal data, we will take appropriate actions. These actions may include deletion or anonymization of the data. If deletion or anonymization isn't immediately feasible, such as in cases where data is stored in backup archives, we will securely store your personal information. We ensure that it remains isolated from further processing until deletion becomes viable.




In essence, our paramount objective is to uphold the sanctity of your personal data by implementing a robust system of organizational and technical security measures. We have meticulously designed and deployed appropriate and pragmatic protocols to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of any personal information entrusted to us.

Our team is dedicated to staying abreast of emerging threats and evolving security best practices, ensuring that our defenses remain resilient against the ever-changing landscape of cyber risks. Through ongoing assessments and enhancements, we strive to maintain a proactive stance in fortifying our security posture.

Nevertheless, it is imperative to acknowledge the inherent limitations of any security framework. Despite our earnest efforts, no system is impervious to potential breaches or unauthorized access. As such, we remain vigilant and transparent in communicating the realities of cybersecurity to our users.

We recognize the gravity of our responsibility in safeguarding your personal information and are committed to transparency in our operations. In the event of any security incidents or breaches, we pledge to promptly notify affected parties and take swift remedial actions in accordance with regulatory requirements and our internal policies.

Your trust is paramount to us, and we are unwavering in our dedication to preserving the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data. By adhering to stringent security protocols and fostering a culture of accountability, we endeavor to uphold the highest standards of data protection and privacy for our valued users.




In summary, certain regions, such as the European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom (UK), Canada, and the United States of America (USA), afford you specific rights concerning your personal information, granting you greater access and control. These rights include the ability to review, modify, or terminate your account at your discretion.

Within jurisdictions like the EEA, UK, Canada, and the USA, you are entitled to various rights under relevant data protection regulations. These rights encompass the ability to request access to and obtain copies of your personal data, seek rectification or deletion, restrict processing, and, where applicable, request data portability. Under certain circumstances, you also possess the right to object to the processing of your personal data.

We are committed to handling and addressing any such requests in accordance with applicable data protection laws. If you believe that we are unlawfully processing your personal information and you are situated in the EEA, UK, or the USA, you have the additional right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection supervisory authority. Contact information for these authorities can be found at the provided links.

Should we be relying on your consent for processing your personal information, you retain the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, please note that such withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out before the withdrawal or processing conducted under alternative lawful grounds as permitted by applicable law.

Furthermore, you have the option to opt out of receiving marketing and promotional communications from us at any time. This can be done by clicking the unsubscribe link in the emails we send or by contacting us using the details provided below. Please be aware that even if you opt out of marketing communications, we may still contact you for service-related matters.

Account Information: If you wish to review, modify, or terminate your account, you can do so by accessing your account settings and making the necessary changes. Upon request to terminate your account, we will deactivate or delete your account and associated information from our active databases. However, certain data may be retained for purposes such as fraud prevention, troubleshooting, investigations, enforcing legal terms, or complying with applicable legal requirements.

Regarding cookies and similar technologies, most web browsers are configured to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can adjust your browser settings to remove or reject cookies, though this may impact certain features or services of our platform.



Many web browsers, as well as certain mobile operating systems and applications, incorporate a Do-Not-Track (DNT) feature or setting. Activating this feature signals your preference for privacy, indicating that you do not wish to have data pertaining to your online browsing activities monitored or collected.

Presently, there exists no universally accepted technology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals. Consequently, we do not presently act upon DNT browser signals or any other mechanism that automatically conveys your choice to abstain from online tracking.

Should a standard for online tracking be established in the future that necessitates our compliance, we commit to informing you of such practices through a revised version of this privacy notice.




In summary, California residents are afforded specific rights pertaining to their personal information. Under California Civil Code Section 1798.83, commonly referred to as the "Shine The Light" law, residents can request and receive, once a year and at no cost, information about the categories of personal data, if any, disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes, as well as the names and addresses of those third parties, for the preceding calendar year.

Moreover, if you are under 18 years old, reside in California, and hold a registered account with our services, you have the entitlement to request the removal of publicly posted data that you deem unwanted. This provision aims to empower young Californians to maintain control over their online presence. To initiate such a request, please reach out to us via the provided contact details, ensuring to include the email linked to your account and a statement confirming your California residency.

It's important to note that while we will make diligent efforts to remove the requested data from public display on our services, complete eradication from all our systems may not be feasible due to technical constraints such as backups and archives. Nevertheless, we are committed to upholding your rights and privacy to the fullest extent possible within the limitations of our systems.

Rest assured, all requests for information disclosure or data removal will be handled with the utmost care and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and other relevant statutes. Your privacy and satisfaction are of paramount importance to us, and we strive to ensure transparency and accountability in our data handling practices.

Should you have any questions, concerns, or wish to exercise your rights under California law, we encourage you to contact us using the provided contact information below. We are here to assist you and address any inquiries or requests you may have regarding your personal information and privacy rights. Thank you for entrusting us with your data, and we look forward to serving you in accordance with the highest standards of privacy and security.

CCPA Privacy Notice

Under the California Code of Regulations, a "resident" is defined as:

(A). Every individual who is in the State of California for other than a temporary or transitory purpose, and

(B). Every individual who is domiciled in the State of California but is outside the State of California for a temporary or transitory purpose.

This definition encompasses individuals both physically present within California and those who maintain California as their primary residence but are temporarily outside the state.




All other individuals are considered "non-residents."

If you fall under the definition of a "resident," certain rights and obligations regarding your personal information apply to us.

Information Collection:


Category: Identifiers

Examples: Contact details, such as real name, alias, postal address, telephone or mobile contact number, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, and account name

Collected: YES


Category: Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute

Examples: Name, contact information, education, employment, employment history, and financial Collected: YES


Category: Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law

Examples: Gender and date of birth

Collected: NO


Category: Commercial information

Examples: Transaction information, purchase history, financial details, and payment information

Collected: NO


Category: Biometric information

Examples: Fingerprints and voiceprints

Collected: NO


Category: Internet or other similar network activity

Examples: Browsing history, search history, online behavior, interest data, and interactions with our and other websites, applications, systems, and advertisements

Collected: NO


Category: Geolocation data

Examples: Device location, IP Adress

Collected: NO


Category: Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information

Examples: Images and audio, video, or call recordings created in connection with our business activities Collected: NO


Category: Professional or employment-related information

Examples: Business contact details to provide our services at a business level or job title, work history, and professional qualifications if you apply for a job with us

Collected: NO


Category: Education Information

Examples: Student records and directory information

Collected: NO


Category: Inferences drawn from other personal information

Examples: Inferences drawn from any of the collected personal information listed above to create a profile or summary about, for example, an individual’s preferences and characteristics

Collected: NO

Your Rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): As a resident of California, you possess specific entitlements concerning your personal information, which include:

  • The entitlement to be informed about the personal information gathered, disclosed, or sold.

  • The entitlement to request the deletion of your personal information.

  • The entitlement to opt-out of the sale of your personal information.

  • The entitlement to non-discrimination for the exercise of your CCPA rights.

We also gather additional personal information beyond these categories during instances where you engage with us, whether in person, online, or via phone or mail. These interactions include:

(A). Engaging in activities related to the delivery of our services and responding to your inquiries.




How do we utilize and disclose your personal information? For detailed insights into our data collection and sharing protocols, please refer to our privacy notice.

If you are utilizing an authorized agent to exercise your opt-out rights, we reserve the right to decline requests lacking proper validation of the agent's authorization to act on your behalf.

Will your information be shared with any third parties?

We may share your personal information with our service providers under written agreements between us and each provider. These service providers are profit-oriented entities tasked with processing information on our behalf.

Your personal information may also be utilized for our internal business objectives, such as conducting in-house research for technological advancements and demonstrations. Please note that this usage does not constitute the 'selling' of your personal information.

AGIPine has not, disclosed or sold any personal information to third parties for business or commercial purposes. Furthermore, AGIPine will never sell or disclose personal information belonging to website visitors, users, and other consumers in the future.


Your Entitlements Regarding Personal Data Privacy


Request for Deletion of Personal Data:

You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information. Upon receipt of such a request, we will promptly and securely delete your personal data from our records, except where exceptions provided by law apply. These exceptions may include, but are not limited to, situations where another consumer's right to free speech is exercised, our legal obligations require compliance, or data processing is necessary to safeguard against unlawful activities.

Right to Information:

Under certain circumstances, you have the right to know various aspects regarding the collection, use, and dissemination of your personal information, including whether it is collected, the categories of data collected, purposes of collection, whether data is sold to third parties, categories of data sold or disclosed, recipients of such data, and the business or commercial purposes for data collection or sale. However, please note that we are not obligated to provide or delete de-identified consumer information in response to requests, or to re-identify individual data to verify requests.


We guarantee that no discriminatory actions will be taken against you for exercising your privacy rights.

Verification Process:

In order to process your request, we will need to verify your identity to ensure that the information pertains to you. This may involve providing information previously submitted to us or using other verification methods as necessary. We will utilize personal information provided solely for the purpose of identity verification, and any additional data collected for this purpose will be promptly deleted upon completion of verification.

Other Privacy Rights:

You have the right to object to data processing, request correction of incorrect or outdated personal data, request restrictions on data processing, designate an authorized agent to act on your behalf, and opt out of future data sales to third parties. Upon receipt of an opt-out request, we will promptly cease such data sales, typically within fifteen (15) days.



in summary, affirmative. Our commitment entails keeping this notice current in accordance with pertinent legislation.

We reserve the right to revise this privacy notice periodically. Any modifications will be denoted by an updated 'Revised' date and will take effect immediately upon accessibility.

Should substantial alterations be made to this notice, we may inform you through conspicuous posting of the changes or via direct notification.

We urge you to regularly review this privacy notice to stay abreast of our efforts to safeguard your information. Your understanding and cooperation are paramount as we strive to maintain compliance and transparency in our practices.



Compliance with the laws governing data protection is paramount to us. Accordingly, in alignment with the applicable regulations in your country, you maintain the right to request access to the personal information we collect from you. This includes the ability to review, amend, or, under specific circumstances, request the deletion of such data.

Furthermore, we recognize the importance of transparency in our data handling practices. Should you have any inquiries regarding how your personal information is collected, used, or disclosed, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to providing clear and comprehensive explanations to address any concerns you may have.

At AGIPine, we are dedicated to fostering trust and confidence in our relationship with you. Rest assured, your privacy rights are fundamental to our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data protection. Thank you for entrusting us with your personal information, and we look forward to serving you in accordance with your preferences and legal obligations.

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